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Aerobic and Cardiovascular Exercise
Walking as a form of cardio is low-impact and comfortable. However, it's also time-consuming, taking about three to four times as long to burn the same amount of calories walking as one would jogging. Walking outside with ankle weights or on a treadmill at a 12 degree incline can make for a more efficient workout while still mitigating discomfort.
Pros: Calorie Burning Rate, Convenience
Cons: Requires Equipment or Walkable Areas
Uphill/Weighted Walking
Stationary Bike/Elliptical
These gym staples are great low-impact cardio options. I personally prefer a recumbent bike since my hands are free and I can use my phone as a distraction. Who ever said smart phones were bad for you?
Pros: Calorie Burning Rate, Simplicity
Cons: Requires Access to Equipment
Yoga is an excellent lower-intensity exercise option that can also work to reduce stress and enhance flexibility.
Pros: Minimal Equipment, Relaxation
Cons: Less Efficient at Burning Calories